A throwback to retro side-scrolling brawlers like Streets of Rage. It's got a fair amount of personality to it. Maybe even more so than actual content. That's okay though as it's designed to be as replayable as possible. Allowing you to make it through all of the stages multiple times with each character so that you can max them out without having to spend hours on a lengthy campaign.

It's got that old-school stiffness to it and the balancing is questionable on the higher difficulty settings. The only real problem with 99Vidas however is that despite the developer's best effort to give the game a unique sense of style and humor, none of it is particularly memorable. Things like the enemy design and stage aesthetics simply fail to make much of an impression outside of the few bonus levels. Especially when the genre has the likes of Scott Pilgrim and Castle Crashers.

If you've exhausted all of your other options 99Vidas is still a decent way to get your beat 'em up fix. While not a standout title, the cooperative arcade-style action it offers is solid enough to get the job done.


Reviewed on Sep 26, 2021
