An arcade style beat 'em up that lets you build your own monsters and destroy cities. While the game does provide a reasonable amount of entertainment via adolescent wish fulfillment, the stiff kaiju controls and repetitive mission structure make it so your rampages are never as fun as they should be.

The game follows a regular loop where after every story mission you have to complete a series of race, destruction, and survival missions before unlocking the next one. Despite such a short running time this cycle gets old fast. The core gameplay of smashing buildings and eating people remains amusing throughout, but the experience really needed some more variety. Not just in the gameplay department either. The cell-shaded, comic book style of the graphics can't hide how every environment feels the same. The constantly looping menu and loading screen music will drive you bonkers.

Monster creation is the only place Eat Them! has any depth. You'll unlock new parts as you progress through the game based on your performance. Mixing and matching different appendages unlocks a wide range of abilities for your massive killing machine. It encourages experimentation and lets you build a beast that suits your playstyle or performs better in specific stage types. Those who are not creatively inclined can choose from among several preset monsters to play as.

Co-op is the real saving grace of the experience. You and up to three other players can get together locally to cause as much havoc as possible. The solo offerings are too repetitive to hold one's attention for too long, but the premise of Eat Them! still allows for some mindless fun to be had. Despite feeling cheaply made, the $10 price tag makes it worth a look for those who just want to smash stuff. Just know it's one of those games that's better off only being played in short bursts.


Reviewed on Sep 28, 2021
