Once again I am blown away by the state I've found this in. This time I did encounter the rare visual bug here and there, but like GTA III: TDE before it this is fully functional and entirely playable. Meaning that either the devs have done a TON of patching or the Switch port of this compilation simply did not release with the same issues as it did on other systems. Whatever the case, I was able to thoroughly enjoy the experience as a result and with the added features like checkpoints it truly lives up to its title as the "definitive" version of Vice City.

As far as the actual game itself goes, mechanically and in terms of how it plays it isn't any different than GTA III. Pair that with how length-wise it's more of an expansion than a true sequel and it's easy to see why Rockstar didn't slap a IV on this. That isn't to say improvements haven't been made. In fact, my opinion is that it is undeniably the superior entry. The missions feature better design, balance, and variety which can make it very hard to put down. Where the biggest strides have been made though is undoubtedly in the storytelling, with the protagonist now being fully voiced. I did feel like something was a bit off with how the writing delivers (or fails to) a few crucial plot developments, but overall I can't complain too much about the tale.

Honestly, the only thing that really bugged me is how you're required to buy and complete side-quests for various businesses before you can unlock the final missions. On top of that not being communicated to the player at all naturally leading to some confusion, it just comes off as padding meant to extend the runtime by forcing you to grind for cash. Although, it does come with the bonus of taking you to corners of the map you might not have visited otherwise. Which is great because the titular city is a blast to drive around in and explore as it's chock-full of '80s style.

Admittedly, I can't really call myself much of a Grand Theft Auto fan. What little of the legendary series I've played beforehand that I didn't straight up abandon early on left me underwhelmed by the time the credits rolled, with the exception of III. This however is easily the most enjoyment I've gotten from the franchise to date, and may be one of my new personal favorite open-world adventures. In no small part due to the various improvements and modernizations brought about by this remaster that remove frustrations which would have prevented me from appreciating it as fully back in the day. Therefore this is hands down the best way to play Vice City.


Reviewed on Nov 27, 2022


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