Despite some of the game's minor issues, I ended up having a great time with the game overall, especially when it came to the web swinging and combat.

Story - The story overall while it isn't the most original since the idea of a symbiote invasion was already a thing in Spider-Man 2000, the execution was cool since the city actually changes overtime and it was cool to see some of the other Marvel characters, such as Moonknight and Wolverine. My biggest issue with the story is the choice system. While it is a cool idea in concept, the execution was pretty lazy, mainly since your choices really don't matter with the main exceptions being the options with Black Cat plus the final choice for the ending. I definitely would like to see two different stories play for each of the routes you go with if I was designing the game so it would actually be impactful. I also don't like how Spider-Man goes out of character during the scenes where you do pick the black suit choice but goes back to being his regular self during the story.

Gameplay - The free roaming and combat is easily the best part about this game. It feels like the web swinging formula has been perfected since I felt it was easy to get into it but it took some time to truly master it. The combat was also really great and I like how the red and black suit get their own abilities and flaws, though the black suit eventually straight up gets better when it gets more air moves but that is a fitting trait for the suit. New York is really fun to explore with the many locations you can find and I thought collecting the Spider tokens was really rewarding and addicting. I also love how New York and it's surroundings change over time along with the mission structures being very different overall. The bosses were also really fun and unique though towards the end I felt a handful of them were a little too easy, especially with the final boss.

Final rating - While the story has some somewhat serious issues when it comes to the choice system, the game becoming a little bit too easy towards the end and some rather annoying bugs and slowdowns I've come across, I've had a lot of fun with the game overall. If you're a big Spider-Man fan who hasn't played this already, I would highly recommend it if you have a way to play it. 8/10.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2020
