As someone who likes music rhythm games its pretty "meh". It has this stage gimmick that affects your overall score which sucks for me as someone who isnt "creative" in a decorative sense. You basically decorate the stage you're performing on, dress up Hannah and her performers. This game has the most creepy 3D model of Miley Cyrus I've ever seen in a game. For a rhythm game its pretty basic and easy which isnt too bad for the target age group but not so much for rhythm game fans. Play The Movie game instead or anything else. For the PSP I recommend the Project Diva Miku Hatsune games.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2021


3 years ago

i can't believe it. you got the BEST of both worlds and you still aren't happy??? FUCK you

3 years ago

and i had such high hopes for this game... truly a shame

3 years ago

just a heads up, you need to play the game more than once. most people consider the "real" end of the game to be ending e.