Controls driving me up the wall in general, but the adorableness of this game makes up for it.

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A pretty fun platformer. Not incredibly challenging or long, but the boss levels in particular are very fun to play. I do not understand why water damages you, because in later levels there is lava, so it feels less intimidating because it's just orange water.

An excellent game. I love how it balances adding Miles in and giving Peter some more powers to make sure Miles isn't the objectively better Spider-Man.

There's just something about this game that makes me not want to play it. I'm not sure what it is, and there is a lot in this game that can be considered good and interesting and unique. But something just doesn't grab me.

I personally hate this game. It's a horror roguelike and it's everything I hate. But it's a good game. It terrifies me, bug it's good.

A very enjoyable comfy game with a twist. Has a few rough edges, but hopefully they'll be fixed up in the coming weeks.

Pretty solid 2d sonic game. It doesn't fundamentally change anything, and a few boss fights could have had some more save points, but overall very fun. A few of the new levels are particular fun and enjoyable to play. If you like 2d Sonics, you'll probably like this.

Also, Trip is great.

A lot of potential and some interesting ideas.

A fun idea of how fishing could work on the playdate. Pretty shallow (lol) but still fun.

Fun casual fishing game, but I got a bit bored after a while. Good if you like repetitive game mechanics. Loads of fish and challenges.

Excellent game. So much better than botw (and botw was great in and of itself). I'm still not a fan of how these games act after you have beaten the last boss, so I lost all enthusiasm for playing after defeating Ganondorf, but this time I knew it would happen, so I did everything that I really wanted to do first this time.

A fantastic short interactive story with some great story-telling elements that can only be possible in games. I got all teary-eyed.

The best farming game, full stop.

Coral Island does to Stardew what Stardew did to Harvest Moon. It is, so far, the ultimate in farming games.

Good game. I'm not a huge fan of the epilogue with how it plays, but the main game is very fun.

Definitely not 100%ing this game with needing to do 100 of the challenges.

The actual battle gameplay is just as fun as the first, if not more fun giving you some more fun combinations and choices.

But I just couldn't keep playing the game because they insist on having these really bad exploration bits in between the battles that take way more time than the actual battles. If it was good, then maybe it would be ok. But I just want the part of the game that is good. It's so long.