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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 11, 2022

First played

July 9, 2022

Platforms Played


This review contains spoilers

I played about 40% of the game before giving up on it. It's not bad at all, but simply put: it felt like déjà vu. If you've played the N.Sane Trilogy, you've played this. Since I didn't play all the way I don't really feel like writing a full review, so I'll just list off a thew things.

- Aesthetically the game is pleasing, and the skins look good (it's a shame that there such a chore to unlock). Animations are pretty good, with the wall run being a particularly good one.

- Gameplay wise: it's Crash Bandicoot, nothing new here, which explains why I just kinda gave up on it: I played the N.Sane trilogy two years ago, and this is just more of that.

- The game is full of gimmicks. The quantum masks are gimmicks, the extra characters are gimmicks, N.Verted levels are a gimmick... This feels like a marketing department's dream more than a passion project. Also, surprisingly, the gimmicks really don't freshen up the game that much. I tried two quantum masks, two characters, and three N.verted levels. The latter are just the same stages you play during the base campain but inverted and with a filter (at least the three I did were just that), the quantum masks aren't really interesting and out of the two extra characters I played, only one felt like a different character, that being Dingodile. Thing is, Dingodile is cool, but he feels so out of place ! It feels like a different game ! I think this approach really hurt the game, and made it quantity over quality, because the base platforming really isn't anything special.

- The level design is okay. The settings the stages take place in are okay, with the Bayou being a great idea. It's a shame there's only one level that really stuck with me, thanks to its amazing ambiance (the level in question being "Off Beat").

Overall, I was dissapointed. N.Sane trilogy was a great remake of classic games, this is a dissapointing, gimmick-filled sequel.