This game tries something different, but for once I didn't come out of it saying "good ideas, a lot of potential, would be intrigued by a sequel" They hit a home run on the first try.

It reminded me a lot of Breath of the Wild, in the sense that it feels like *I* did everything. In Breath of the Wild, that sense of freedom makes exploring enjoyable, in this game, it makes revealing the secrets of the world immensely satisfying.

I loved this, I don't want to talk about it extensively, because I feel like that would ruin the experience for potential other players. Just know: if you're frustrated because you're feeling stuck, stick with this game, I didn't regret it. The ending is amazingly simple, it's nevertheless one of the best endings in video games ever.

Also the soundtrack is amazing.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2022


1 year ago

Ive heard nothing but praise for this. Been meaning to try it

1 year ago

@nancyfly it's a very unique experience, like many indy titles, but the difference is in Outer Wilds I don't just see potential, I see a game that fully exploited it's potential, while a game like A Way Out feels like it doesn't do all it could do with it's pitch.