Status: Completed (Platinum Trophy)
Date: 01.18.2021 | Play Time: 8 hours

A fun, lighthearted collectathon that lets you be creative with an easy-to-use art template.
While most games structured like this will have you going around collecting a bunch of random stuff only to have the end reward be a costume or something, every collectible in Concrete Genie has a purpose.
I wanted to get every single page not because of the end reward, but because every page would unlock one more design in my art arsenal (artsenal). I’d find a wall I need to paint with some specific designs, so I’d take to the streets hunting for the pages so I could circle back and paint the wall only to see it come alive. It’s an incredibly satisfying collection loop.

What makes this process more fulfilling is that this dark, dingy, deserted fishing town completely comes to life with the colorful paintings you put everywhere. I would go out of my way to cover every single surface with art even if the game wasn’t asking me to do it. I wanted to see that place come alive, and the end result was very satisfying.

+ Extremely good collectible loop with great payoff
+ Great art system that lets you feel like you’re making cool art even if you aren’t an artist.
+ Fun, colorful visuals

- Surprise new mechanics at the end of the game felt a bit tacked on
- Motion controls are sometimes a bit finicky. But when you turn them off, it’s clear the game was designed with motion controls in mind.
- The bullies were occasionally annoying. Just leave me alone and let me paint.

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
