Status: Completed (Platinum Trophy)
Date: 01/03/2021

You drop into a deserted space station and are tasked with figuring out what happened to the crew. The story of the crews' time on the space station is told via a series of augmented reality audio logs you can pause, rewind, and move around in. Unlike most games in the "walking sim" genre which have you mostly just moving from point to point to experience a scene from a single vantage point; in Tacoma, a single AR log needs to be watched several times from different spots in the log in order to get the full picture. It's a form of interactivity that pushes you to be more than just a spectator.

Fullbright has once again done a wonderful job telling a compelling story in a neat package that can be experienced in just a few hours. If you enjoyed Gone Home, I definitely recommend checking out Tacoma.

+ The AR logs are extremely cool. I'd love to see other games use a system like this.
+ Great story. I wanted to solve the mystery and figure out everything I could about the crew.
+ Good voice acting.
+ Easy Plat that encourages you to find fun little secrets

- Unfortunately had several full game crashes in which I lost a bit of progress.
- No music. Which I think is the point? Either way, I think it could've benefited from at least some ambient music to add to the atmosphere.

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
