Honestly, if you strip out all the gatcha nonsense, this is a pretty fun video game. At least that's what I keep telling myself so I feel better about getting horribly addicted to it and dropping 200 hours into it over the span of a few months.

For real, though, the actual gameplay of this game is really fun and exploring the world is great. They did a great job making a beautiful, vibrant world that I actually wanted to explore. Developing a good party of 4 characters with different abilities and elements that synergize with one another is incredibly satisfying Less satisfying is the grind required later in the game to level up all your characters and their equipment. You can pretty easily get by int his game without spending a dime, but you're completely at the mercy of RNG when rolling for random character drops, which is maybe the most frustrating part about Genshin - knowing that if you just had this one character your team would be perfect, and then never getting that character.

+ Great world design both visually and mechanically
+ Puzzles and collectible hunting around the world is fun
+ Satisfying gameplay and team comp development
+ Pretty easy to play the game without spending any money
+ All new content and areas added to the game are free
+ Playing with friends can be fun

- Boring story that you must sit through in order to access new areas
- Characters locked behind RNG gatcha pulls can be frustrating
- Late-game grind to level up characters and equipment
- Multiplayer is limited in that you can't get your own collectibles when playing with a friend in their world

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2023
