I am not going to sugar coat this. Dragon Quest is an absolute relic of its time. Overtly simplistic, agonizingly slow and painfully generic. I absolutely adore this game but I am not here to just say how much fun I had with this game but instead determine if I should recommend this game to a hypothetical person.

"Dost thou wish to play Dragon Quest?"

Console JRPGs are a rather storied genre in current year. A genre that has had many an iteration, development and splinter. A genre with many a setting and world to explore. Most though can trace their genetic ancestry to this title right here. The developers accomplish what most only dream of, pioneering an entire genre. Generally speaking though the first of a kind is almost never perfect and many a series and genre went through rapid but painful growing pains. Console JRPGs are no exception.

Fundamentally the largest flaw of Dragon Quest, a true make it or break it feature is its own simplicity. You have only a single party member and do battle with only single opponents. This game embodies the concept of "1v1 me irl". You play as a jack of all trades adventurer on a quest to defeat an evil dragon lord. You are not going to see anything here you haven't seen before.

The simplicity alone wouldn't be as big of an issue if the progression were just a tad faster. I have over 14 hours clocked on my save here and I spent probably 11 of those grinding. The amount of tasks required of you are shockingly few. Basically what I am saying is that if you want to play this game be sure to have alternative entertainment available if your attention span is below that of a bored seven year old shut in with no friends.

Thankfully though this adventure is rather casual compared to other quests found on the same console. The simplicity is almost a boon in this regard. You aren't going to get kicked in your proverbial genitals. If anything you are going to leave a bloodbath in your wake.

Another positive aspect of this game definitely lies within the bells and whistles. The visuals and sound are both extraordinary and iconic. Akira Toriyama's designs matched with Koichi Sugiyama's musical prowess is synergy incarnate. These elements take the rather dark and gritty atmosphere of something like Dungeons & Dragons and gives it a rather whimsical interpretation. Incredibly stylized and unique.

Ultimately though this review isn't the most in depth. Primarily because I don't think mentioning turn based battles presented with menus and a first person perspective along with random battles is something one wouldn't know going in.

I will bring things back for a second though by asking again:

"Dost thou wish to play Dragon Quest?"


"But thou must!"


"But thou must!"


"But thou must!"

Memes aside. I do highly recommend playing Dragon Quest with one single caveat. Just don't play the NES version. Super Famicom and Gameboy are a much more satisfactory experiences. Hell even go Mobile or Switch as long as you are okay with the graphics looking dumb.

For the uninitiated though let me explain why you should NOT play the NES version with an example. There is a rather early game enemy aptly named "Skeleton". Killing one in the NES version nets the hero 11exp and 30g while other version you would get 25exp and 42g. That should articulate my point better than any long winded diatribe about numbers. Ultimately the re-releases aren't full priced affairs so they can afford to trim the fat.

Also like, bro, just save the princess. I know saving her is optional but canonically your superior chad genes get carried on for future generations. Just do it. Thou must afterall.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2022

1 Comment

5 months ago

make sure to take the princess to the inn before you bring her back