I was really disappointed with this game overall. Yeah, the combat is less button-mashy and the web-swinging is a lot more fun because of the wings, but that doesn't save it from the very rushed story in my opinion. The game tried to have emotional scenes, but I did not feel sad in the slightest the entire time. It doesn't have anything that can compare to the ending scene between Aunt May and Peter from the 1st game. It could've been so much more...

Battlefield 2042 is like mixing horse shit together with dog shit, creating the ultimate piece of shit. Most of the maps are really flat, barren fields with people camping in the bushes sprinkled throughout the map, they still haven't fixed a bug after 2 years where your mouse and controller inputs are dropped for a few frames at a time, they consistently change the gunplay for the worse and keep buffing the already dominant SMGs, and they only drop one new map and a couple of guns every 4 months. You're only getting bug fix updates in between those 4 months.

Bully is a such simple game, and that's what I love about it. I can always have a fun time going around, beating the ever living shit out of anyone that says anything remotely bad about me when I walk by and then run away from the authorities chasing me. Oh, and also beat up the authorities if I have the chance to. I also like doing the side activities you can do, like attending my classes for extra perks, doing BMX races for cash, fighting in boxing matches for a new safehouse, etc.

I think this game gets carried by the possible shenanigans that can occur when playing with your friends. At the end of the day, the adrenaline from mowing down and blowing up mountains of enemies is gonna wear off and all you have is mindless shooting.

I originally bought this game on sale back in 2019, just for Red Dead Online since I used to only really play multiplayer games at the time. I tried it out for like only 2 hours and hadn't touched it at all up until late 2023, when I decided to play the singleplayer since I was stuck at home and off of work from a major jaw surgery, so I had nothing better to do. I still cannot believe I had missed out on Red Dead Redemption 2 for all these years... The heart-wrenching story, the masterfully crafted world, some of the best and most compelling characters I have ever known in any media... The scene between Arthur and Sister Calderon about, "taking a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act." Arthur sorrowfully telling Rain Falls, "You don't get to live a bad life, and expect good things to happen to you." The conversation between Charles and Arthur about having the time to make amends while you've still got the chance. These interactions changed my life for the better. It made me get off my lazy fatass and start being more productive by finally going to college, quit my dead-end job and find a fulfilling one instead, and start hitting the gym. I'm honestly not sure if any other game I've played, or am going to play, will match up to this absolute, marvelous masterpiece.