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2 days

Last played

August 21, 2023

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This was always one of those games I wanted to play back in the days, but never got around to. Now that I'm moving into a new house and have no internet for another day I decided to finally give this game a go, and after finishing it I'm incredibly mixed on it. First off there's definitely effort put into this game from developer A2M, from the custom developer logo where the Ed's are fucking around with it to the game trying to make this the most authentic Ed Edd n Eddy experience in videogame by having the whole game fully voiced by all of the original cartoons cast as well as using custom title cards for the games loading screens when you're in a specific level, to the intro and ending to each level having limited anikated cutscenes that recreate the shows art style really well, to using the exact soundtrack and sound effects that the show also used, there's clearly a big love for this game and it's source material. Some of the unlockables show this love such as being able to unlock the ability to watch the ever so popular "My Best Friend Plank" music video (this game was only a couple of months after the launch of youtube and was a great surprise for people asnit was not easily available to watch outside of tuning into CN and hoping they play it that day on the channel.) and also some just for fun rewards such as a Big or Small Head Mode. Each Ed having a variety of different abilities also sets up the game to have a great variety of puzzles and options to approach things. Level 5 in particular is incredibly fun as you're tasked with making your way through a Haunted House to collect certain items in a scavenger hunt like fashion. Unfortunately the gameplay in general is a bit too repetitive in most levels and is relatively straightforward despite the Haunted House level, you'll be mostly switching between 2 or 3 specific abilities in each level which can just become tedious. It also doesn't help that the physics are a little too slippery, resulting in constant falling off of ledges and platforms when you didnt mean too. The last level of the game is also a big letdown. It recycles a lot of gameplay ideas you've already do e in the previous levels as well as having an incredibly annoying final boss that's a pain in the ass to play. It's also incredibly short at only 6 levels that'll take you about 2-4 hours to beat. Overall, this game has a fantastic presentation that's Unfortunately hampered by its irritating gameplay. It's definitely disappointing for me in terms of licensed games, but it's far from the worst I've played. Despite being disappointed it's probably still on the good side of LG than bad, and I'd definitely recommend it for fans of the show. It's a quick playthrough and it is fun to experience the stories of the game, almost like finding new long lost episodes of the show.