The first of what was to become a big hit for Nintendo (and unfortunately nowadays Wario's only outing once a generation.) Going back to this game I wasn't sure how or if these Microgames would hold up, this was their first attempt after all so I could expect them to be a little unsure of how to take things, but no, they did a great job for their first try. The biggest complaints I can give are that even aside from Jimmy T, there are just some characters that they don't know how to theme yet, so the theme is just replaying Microgames you've already played. Also the boss fights aren't that great and have yet to reach their full potential like in Touched or Smooth Moves. Still, the frantic, fast paced Microgame mayhem is here and is still super fun with friends. Definitely worth a revisit. It should only take you a couple of hours to fully complete it.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2023
