371 Reviews liked by The_addy

This was the game if all time. I remember mainly messing around with the instant action as a kid.

Nobody tell them that this is where Battlefront 3 went.

Man I wish they finished Battlefront 3

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THIS is how you take the "storm trooper to jedi" narrative disney.

weeping as I imagine all the mistakes I wouldn't have made in life if I had a PSP instead of a DS as a child

Dont remember much but regardless i enjoyed playing it

I can’t differentiate this one from the other one.

Muy buena historia y es divertido destruir destructores estelares

Renegade but better. Story is decent, land to space battles very good. DS version can eat ass.

Had a hell of time with this as a kid. Replaying it now it doesn't hold up as well but its still incredibly fun with a surprisingly good story

Outside of MGS:Peacewalker this is my favorite PSP game of all time, felt really good in your hands, has galactic conquest which is the Battlefront mode people should actually be begging to make a comeback.