A rock-solid refinement of the Zelda series at its time and continues to be fun now. The dungeon concepts are all quite unique and great to explore. Past the stellar opening hours up to the reveal of the Dark World, I did lose a bit of engagement from the scenario as I settled into the routine of conquering Dark World dungeons. Otherwise, this game's a great trajectory point for the series. It's cool to see where modern Zelda began.

I'm quite happy this saw a release, yet still conflicted about both these remakes. They're budget titles but look good where they need to, mainly with character models. The mysteries were compelling even though the stories weren't excellent overall (the sequel especially had a bit of annoying teen drama).

Seeing as these games target a younger audience, the puzzles are about as easy as the originals, but I wish there weren't so fewer puzzles than before. Another disappointment is that the gameplay doesn't take advantage of the Switch as Cing did with the DS and Wii. It's a lovely tribute, but if Hotel Dusk is a possibility I hope that Arc System or whoever can take the concept even further.