Well, I certainly gave it some time to find my thoughts on this but I will try to convey it the best way I can.

This might be the best game I've ever played but has some particular stupid shit that weighs it down. For the good, all my gripes about the gameplay have been ironed out so now Rayman feels better to control than ever the level design has peaked in both its look and feel.
However (this is the part where I gripe more about the 9/10 game I adore than praising it) The presentation outside the stages has been turned down. In Origins, you pop out of the stage and it's laid out like an actual map like you're going on a massive journey. As for this game, it plops you hop in and out of levels Mario 64 style. Making each level feel disconnected from the other especially when it's Hey you unlocked the next level! Hey, you unlocked the next world would you like to check It out? Then four other notifications when I just want to get to the next level. Oh, and the scratch-offs can we talk about the scratch-offs? I've been dying to talk about the scratch-offs. You could have one of four rewards some lums an animal which gives you more lums a lost teensy and what anyone would want a stage from origins. The lums are pointless just there to make sure you unlock stuff faster. The lost teensy is cool judging if there's a stage with one you're missing but if one of the main rewards for playing your game where the main focus is core gameplay is to play less of it you need to reacess things. The only thing you would want here is the Back To Origins stage but that just adds recycled content to make up for a base game with fewer levels than its predecessor. Especially with... him. Ok so while the base levels of the games are brilliant there are a couple of levels where the main mechanic is having Murphy interact with the environment normally just by pressing a button or something because if you didn't know this was a way to shove in some Wii U functionality when this was supposed to be the new hotness for the console. I'm going to be upfront, I don't like these they mess with the flow of the stage. When you're supposed to be blazing through I don't want any contextual button prompts. Overall Rayman Legends has some of the best platforming I've played in any videogame it is held back by stripping back a lot of the personality that the first three games had and some of Origins. Now the only thing Ubisoft needs to do to make a perfect Rayman game is to take the gameplay and characters of this and pair them with the tone and story of Rayman 2! If Ubisoft could be bothered to do anything with this franchise, but hey with him in that Rabbids DLC and that Blood Dragon show both receiving pretty good feedback who knows?

(Hopefully, Ubisoft gets their crap together first)

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2023
