Literally Psychonauts meets Krieg and I couldn't be happier. Better than the base game. This is so damn good for a krieg main myself
(Edit: okay, maybe NOT better than the base game. Lol. It is that good though)

It's literally Psychonauts. 10/10

The correct way to play the game

170 hours in the briefcase simulator

I wish it was at least as cheap as Pokemon Bank, but oh well. Anyways, this service is severally underrated. The trading within the app is so fun and has become my main wonder trading pokemon since the ones in the switch games kinda suck(RIP 3DS wonder trades) And also the challenges that are in the app are awesome! you unlock really cool artworks when you complete them. Artworks by artists from the TCG mainly, Kawayoo for example drew all the ruinous pokemon for one of the challenges, and you can view the artwork in the app once you unlock it, very cool. The Switch app is missing sorting and is also very slow but all is fine. I like home, just expensive.

The stories that they make are surprisingly good and genuinely enjoyable. Although I hate gachas, this game is very fun if only I had a million hours to burn, but I don't. I urge everyone to play as much of the stories as possible. the events especially.

One of the most underrated Pokemon games honestly, especially retrospectively. Even though It's only because I'm fed up with gen1 that this isn't a 5*. So much wasted potential on only the first 151. The graphics are clean, the pokemon following mechanic is done really well here (not sure how they messed it up for the games that came AFTER this one, but oh well) And the cutscenes are insanely well animated. I urge everyone to replay it, in handheld preferably.

Minus two stars because the sleep pass is so expensive. Also because Zoroark isn't in the game. OtherwisZzzzzz

Very few stories leave me speechless. Even my eyes can't visually relay what I'm feeling to my brain sometimes. Despite its short length, every part of every chapter feels full, and rich with detail. It's such a tight knit atmosphere and story that it left me perfectly content at the end, not needing more or feeling that it lacked in anything.

Yo😭 this dlc was so beautiful. We definitely had to many theories and expectations going in, but having gone through the whole thing I gotta say I am pleasantly surprised at how everything was handled. I loved all the characters and all the quality of life improvements were super appreciated. Can't wait to 100% it.

Everything from the atmosphere to the animatronics and their design. The especially entrancing setting and restaurant desgins, the passive storytelling (which I love) and just the sheer amount of connection I've had to everything regarding this game throughout the years. A true pioneer in the horror genre.

Regardless of how much Terraria was a part of my childhood and how much biased I am, this is one hell of a sandbox game. Unlike Minecraft, 100%ing terraria doesn't feel like a chore, or Impossible (most of the time). Though for some reason, I can't get myself to replay terraria. I spent hundreds of hours on one world and one character that it's not as fun starting again from scratch.

This game is awesome. It's one thing for a game to make you love the series, and another for a game that makes love the whole genre. Shantae is very underrated. Pixel Shantae is in my opinion, peak Shantae. I love the linear open world, all the characters are so fun and I am very well invested in the world and all it has to offer.

The definition of MUST PLAY. This game doesn't get anything wrong.