Very fast, very dangerous; this feels to me less like a kart racer or even an F-Zero or Wipeout-like, and more like a fantasy Gran Turismo or other "light simulation" racing game. While other sci-fi racing games tend to focus on level gimmicks like boost-pads or power-ups, Racer is pure execution. From my experience the main thing that sets apart the player from the computer racers in a game like Gran Turismo is that the computer will drive well, but it won't take risks. In Racer the risk/reward that the player has to contend with each turn is no longer whether they can maintain their speed or position, as these things come relatively cheap, but whether they can survive at all. The degree of concentration required, combined with the sheer length of many of the later tracks, leaves the player with unblinking eyes. If Doom set out to match F-Zero's sense of speed, Racer succeeds in reincorporating Doom's visceral violence in a way that many racing games struggle to.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2023
