5 Reviews liked by Thuja

Platform: PS2 (No idea why it isn't included)

I don't really have a rating for this as I don't remember a lot of the actual game and mostly watched my brother play, but I just want to share a story for the 5 people who may see this in their life.

A few years ago me and my brother went to put the damaged scratched to hell disc back into our gnarly ps2 for a nostalgia kick, and the chaos that ensued is ingrained into my memory.

By some miracle, the game never froze. Instead, it was just severely glitched out, playing sound effects on a loop in the background, but stopping once the game loaded into something new, like a menu or cutscene.

When we loaded into the opening cutscene, a guy eventually yells "FIREEEE!" (I believe it was a prank? Idk who cares) but that specific line of dialogue kept playing on loop throughout the entire cutscene and even during gameplay. I like to believe the game was screaming for help. On fire, if you will.

Not sure what else to add to this, but it's a core memory for sure. I'll always remember the game for that.

This must be what it feels like to be a small business being targeted by Jeff Bezos



i wonder if i'm gonna regret playing through this game like 20 times cause i thought it was funny when im on my death bed pondering how little time i spent with my family or something like that

edit: divided my playtime by how long it usually takes me to beat the game and realized ive played garten of banban about 50 times

with the rise of AI going on right now someone should really remake this game