Played on the Switch Online SNES collection.

This game holds up really well. I'm too young to have played it when it came out in '94 but spent a long time on 2010's Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii.

The controls still feel fluid and the platforming is tight. The music is excellent and a lot of the visual design is also still passable.

The biggest thing holding this game back is the varying levels of quality. Some boss fights are great (King K. Rool), but others feel uninspired and there are some that are straight-up repeats of previous bosses. Likewise, some levels are amazing but the difficulty feels almost random as one level can be excruciatingly hard and the next can be easy enough to beat in a few minutes.

Overall though this is a killer game for 1994, and one that is easy to return to nearly 30 years after its release. That alone makes it worthy of some praise.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2022
