Much longer than the first one, and quite good. Suffers from pacing issues at times, but hey.
And worth mentioning the artwork in Innocent Grey games is stunning.

Quite engaging. This scarred me a bit because it was the first "gory" VN I experienced, I wasn't prepared for some of the scenes.

Don't be like me and avoid this thinking it's another fetish nukige. Hidden behind its facade is something unforgettable, I was truly surprised at how good it turned out to be.

An extension of Dies irae, and just as cool. Holy shit I love this stuff so much.

Oh hey my favorite VN of all time. It's fucking good, everyone read it right now kthx

Words cannot describe what this game means to me. I cried a lot. I think about it all the time.

The translation for this hurts. Not sure how much of an impact that had on my feelings for the game as a whole, but I would say it's my least favorite Tales.

Not as good as Xilia 1, but Ludger has some cool combat stuff. And having Gaius as a party member is hype af

For the inevitable comparison, I liked this a lot more than Zestiria. Velvet is such a cool protagonist, and Magilou exists. Magilou is best.

What stands out most about this game is the music, which is incredible. Though it has...other problems. Bottom line is, it's a Tales game so it's fun, but probably among my least favorites in the series.

I didn't like this one as much as most people seem to. I still liked it though, it was fun.

This game is another entry that I was quite in love with, it's up there with my favorites among Tales games. Luke has incredible character development which really sticks out for me.

Another pretty biased opinion, this is my favorite Tales entry. I know this is a pretty unpopular opinion, but I loved how the story was presented, and all of the party members are great.
I love Sophie.