Before I get into the review, I wanna tell yall about a funny story involving this game. On Christmas day, I got the Ultimate Edition of Spider-Man: Miles Morales, but I didn't own a PS5 at the time which means it was just gathering dust until three years later when I got a PS5 for Christmas. All that anticipation is probably why I ended up playing this game for 12 hours on the first day that I played it.

I love the wintery aesthetic of New York City in this game, it looks spectacular.

Gameplay is pretty similar to the 2018 game outside of the obvious stuff. I like the improvements to the side content, it's a whole lot less repetitive to get 100% district completion in this game. Plus the Side Missions are more interesting this time around.

The Venom Strike and Camouflage abilities really make Miles stand out as his own Spider-Man. Camouflage makes stealth way less annoying to deal with.

Honestly, the only aspect of this game that I didn't care about was the story. It's fine for the most part, but the villain was really lame. The Tinkerer just felt like a worse version of the main villain from the last game and her design just blends in with the rest of the Underground.

Next week I'll be starting my New Game+ playthrough of this game so I can get that Platinum Trophy. See you next time!

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2024
