saw this had achievements so picked it up and saw how long the achievements wouild take so forced it to run at ridiculous speeds to unlock em faster

i GUESS you could call that cheating but i'd call it playing smart


anyway this thing is pretty old so i shouldn't really hold that against it but because it's old and simple it's also just not very pretty and i feel like you need pretty for a toy like this

c'est la vie

i like the theme and presentation and i like all the layers and systems but it's one of the slowest most grindy idle games and that says a lot

i didn't do everything but i did get all the achievements i guess

that was a puzzle game all right

kind of a huge mess of a game, to be honest, the cutscenes feel like they were cut from different cloth half the time, like the events that occur make sense in order but the tonal shift or the way they jump from one camera angle to another is just... weird

i dunno

the characters all have a nice arc and tidus especially really matures from the entitled dipshit he is at the start to a guy who actually bothers to empathize with all his new friends by the end

which i think is where this really differs from most previous ffs (maybe 8 is the same, actually) in that it's far more characters and emotions focused than plot focused - not that there isn't a LOT of plot, but it's secondary

gameplay wise i sure was yawning for most of it until the end when i started going for the optional bosses at which point it became wayyyyy too hard until i maxed out the sphere grids and then it became wayyyyy too easy lol

not my favorite ff that's for sure but not terrible

i thought when i started this it would be a regular ol hidden object game cause of steam's sometimes wack categories

turns out, as the title implies, it's a maze game with collectibles sprinkled throughout

honestly i think it's good but i maybe just wasn't in the mood for it cause it never really clicked

at least it was short ish!

i do not like the change to have the levels populated by countless cats i liked it better when i was trying to find a small number of cats sparsely located in a bigger level

trying to find that last sleeping cat in a crowd of dozens was... way less fun

the other changes i am fine with, controls (kind of a side-grade really...), graphics, whatever, these things change, but bleh

first game was best by far!

mmmh i appreciate the greater variety in aesthetics compared to the entirely-winter-themed original game, but i absolutely despite DARK GAMES, it strains my eyes, gives me a headache, and makes me ornery

when it wasn't dark it was fun tho

charming enough

although the controls are clunky, i do like that this is unique from most hogs i've played in that you're searching a 3d environment instead of 2d

i like the music :3

the kind of hidden object stuff i like most tbh, but i can't help but compare it to hidden folks, for obvious reasons, and that game does basically everything so much better - even if i kind of prefer having color, hidden folks just has so much more charm to its presentation?

hidden through time feels more rushed, akin to a cash grab, but that's maybe not fair... it's not like hidden folks is doing anything NEW, it's just doing it really well, and hidden through time is continuing that

ramble ramble, still good tho

an artifex mundi joint that actually does something different? say it ain't so

much more like samorost and its ilk than usual, and it's quite good

i'll admit i'm numb to "sad indie game" vibe so i barely cared about the story but i was still engaged with actually hunting for all the hidden objects so i guess this hog hooked me

ostensibly a puzzle platformer but mostly a walk forward to proceed platformer with some very very minor puzzles sprinkled throughout

based on i believe ancient northern scandinavian mythology, it's pretty neat, has good art and great music beats at just the right moments, and also throat singing which is always fun to hear cause it's so unique

the most game-y part of it is collecting the artifacts, a few of which have you input specific button combinations that are oddly very finnicky compared to everything else the game asks of you

anyway it was nice

a whatever super easy puzzle game

sadly not as good as volume 7

increasing the enemy count worked up until this one cause it also came with other stuff that made it worth it but really the build options just weren't that interesting this time around

still fun but kind of a let down after every previous entry was such an obvious improvement over the... previous previous

wow who's all these new LOSERS where's my GOD

wook was laughably easy and then everyone else was way harder lol, broke from the tens of each new game being easier than the last!!!

I liked the progression mechanic of this one tho

is that a third sword???

wow they come in fast now!!!