Of course this review is to be viewed from the year 2022, not 2008.

Mirror's Edge is an ambitious game in gameplay and story world. Of course it's essentially a platformer, but it's a totally different movement set and it's all about utilising the environment to build up speed and traverse the roofs in the most creative satisfying way. For today's standards this works fine, but I wouldn't say well.
The world has the potential to be really interesting, unfortunately it doesn't get the time or writing to really go there.
However, the ideas present and the potential that is hidden in this game made me keep playing despite having motion sickness through most of it.

I wish there was a modern day Cyberpunk 2077-type Mirror's Edge with the world and gameplay of Mirror's Edge (improved) but enriched with the acting, storytelling and design quality of Cyberpunk.

We need more grounded Sci-Fi, this isn't Cyberpunk, I don't think we even have a term for this rare everything is clean and nice but incredibly empty and ruled by corporations version of Science Fiction and that just shows that we need more of it. Because that's the future we're heading into.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2022
