Log Status






Time Played

10h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 16, 2023

First played

August 8, 2023

Platforms Played


Difficulty: Easy

Gameplay: 3/5 - The game immediately hooks you in on the mysteries revolving around your own death & it's unique gameplay where you control inanimate objects to try and save an individual from dying by going back 4 minutes before their death. It cleverly introduces another mechanic later on in the game that changes the way you solve the puzzles. However, the path in which you take between inanimate objects are way too linear and makes it super easy to figure out what to do next, making the game slightly repetitive and boring. The gameplay is also constantly interrupted by dialogue, making it a rocky experience. The gameplay is also quite linear in a way that you get access to other areas early on but can do nothing in these areas until the story is driven forward.

Narrative: 5/5 - The constant mysteries surrounding not only your character, but each character's stories keeps you intrigued till the end and the pay off is extremely satisfying when these mysteries are revealed through unpredictable twists. Every character has a unique personality and I found some of them quite hilarious to watch. Missile is such a loveable character.

Art Direction/Graphics: 4/5 - Very simple and goofy, which worked really well with some of the character's personalities and dialogues. The death pose is iconic. Everything is also extremely well animated and keeps you experimenting on how each object interacts with the ghost trick.

Music: 4/5 - Some memorable and thrilling music which is complemented by the cheerful and silly music when some comedic scenes are playing out.

Creativity: 4/5 - Very unique gameplay which almost resembles Rube Goldberg machines. However, some objects are placed way too conveniently for things to work well in every scenario.

Overall Score: 4/5