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Difficulty: Medium
Overall Playtime: 80+ hours
100% Main Story Completion

Gameplay: 4.5/5 - Absolutely the pinnacle of the open world genre, influencing so many other open world games out there today and opening the genre up to so many more limitless ideas and opportunites to expand on.

Narrative: 4/5 - Easily identifiable where the story takes place in The Legend of Zelda timeline. The story is basic but still keeps you engaged. Although the characters have intriguing personalities, I would have liked to see more about them to keep me interested as they soon become forgettable.

Art Direction/Graphics: 5/5 - The Legend of Zelda experiments in a entirely new art direction from previous games and manages to make it refreshing yet so nostalgic and sets the franchise's new identity while retaining the charm of previous games. The world is massive and engaging, emphasised by the subtle yet vibrant atmosphere of the game despite the setback and limitations of the Nintendo Switch hardware.

Music: 5/5 - The Legend of Zelda soundtrack will always be one of the best in gaming, bringing out a lot of power and emotion which set the mood and tone of the story.

Creativity: 3.5/5 - The game captures the core essence of The Legend of Zelda franchise really well but lacks in few areas such as enemy variety and it's intriguing dungeons that feel rewarding to navigate through like in previous entries. Rather, the shrine level designs were quite basic and short, as well as the divine beasts being frustrating to get through.

Overall Score: 4.5/5