As with the first game it's been in early access for well over a year and will surely stay there for several more.
The basis is there but there is barely anything to do.

On top of that it feels like they put the game on 2x speed since the last one.
Crops grow, Chickens lay eggs and slimes eat and plort at an incredible rate to where you can hardly leave the farm and something new will require your attention. You'll come back from an expedition and find all your plort collectors to be full, thus making earning money incredibly easy.
Combine this with the vastly lowered prices and you'll find money is of no object in this game.
Off of just two corrals I found myself being able to buy all farm extensions three times over before even having gotten a single upgrade.
And thus there is no incentive to manage your farm efficiently or expand it, you're making more money than you can spend already anyways.

I have no interest in exploring the game further in it's current state, all that's left for me to find is new areas and since they're not going to get me anything interesting but landscapes, I'd rather go back and play the original Slime Rancher again and come back to Slime Rancher 2 when it is in a more complete state.

If you're a fan of the first game I highly advise you to keep playing that one instead of Slime Rancher 2, the first game has much more content and is better balanced.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2024
