2 reviews liked by TorontoRaccoon

Played basically in one chunk so obviously it's fun. Largely very enjoyable set pieces particularly in the front half. Closer now to the story beat style of the RE movies where its just one thing to another with no real logic, other than 'something violent or crazy should happen next', however lacking the spectacle and spiritual depth of the movies. Americans continue to be horrible at writing and voice acting games, random man in black driving the car at the end was the most convincing character. The way Resident Evil has transitioned into the sad rustic violin Last Of Us-God Of War Remake brand of emotional grizzled father ethos is very offputting, not least because the game series lifeblood has traditionally been full sadism (particularly in the fantastic RE7) but because like TLOU the hokey familial sentimentality just does so little to get anyones (or at least my) blood pumping. The dearth of horrific imagery in the majority of this (save the incredible puppeteer's house) is a big problem. The Corpse Bride looking aesthetic of this in general is horrible and it seems to me that there's a widespread spiritual sickness in the world today considering the way the internet responded to the vampire woman

God of War is one of those rare gems that releases and just blows you away. It's a masterful cinematic experience that many games fail to achieve. Kratos and Atreus absolutely steal the show with their realistic and amazingly written character interactions that showcase not only their growth but their journey itself. The duo's journey surpasses some of the video game's greatest stories, including and building upon the foundation that the first Last of Us built creating the best story-driven narrative in gaming yet.

The Norse world that surrounds our main characters is whimsical and wacky with tons of unique creatures and characters that will either assist you or halt you as you progress. The world and its many realms are full of secrets just waiting to be found, allowing for hours upon hours of content for the player to get lost in.

The combat is fun and ever-evolving as both Kratos and Atreus gain new abilities found throughout the main quest and through secrets found across the world. It allows the player to customize and build Kratos to their liking ranging from an unstoppable tank to a more focused and magic-using strategist.

Santa Monica Studio has made a brilliant work of art that will be known for ages, and one people should not miss. I'm incredibly excited for what comes next in the sequel as the saga of Kratos is far from over.