Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 24, 2023

First played

November 22, 2023

Platforms Played


So here I am writing this review and honestly I don't quite know exactly how to feel about this DLC. I thought it started strong and had some interesting stuff near the end but overall it was just more of the same with a couple benefits and downsides here and there. It does actually improve on some stuff like the balancing by making the some of the spongier enemies less spongy and putting them in groups of regular enemies vs just groups comprised of themselves like in the base game. On top of that it actually has some horror sections which were cool in the way they were presented, but still not actually scary. But the sheer amount of technical problems and some poor design choices with these annoying but also just uninteresting monsters that show up for the DLC just really brought down my experience. Also the Finale is just the most nothing wave of enemies ever comparing all encounters from both base game and the DLC itself, it's just so boring and anti climatic. Essentially my final feelings on it are that I think there was some good moments here and there and I think the team did a decent job for making a DLC for a game they didn't even initially do development for, but by the end of Extraction Point I was thinking less about all that that I just mentioned and I was more so just thinking about the fact I was glad I was done with it.