F.E.A.R is a overall kinda amazing FPS for when it was released. Even going back to it today it's pretty fun and has some impressive stuff to it. The combat is extremely solid through most of the game and shooting enemies feels both good from a feedback and challenge angle. The AI is very impressive too, it's not actually super smart as much as it is tuned to have a way more wide variety of options in a firefight, however those options for them don't really matter when sometimes they just decide to stand right there and eat it. Also while I did say the combat is fun for most of it, it does have some problems that mainly have to do with the different enemies. Those enemies being the flying enemies that start showing up near the end of the game and the spongier clones that show up in the last couple of levels. While it's not super hard to fight these enemies, it doesn't feel very good either. I would say this is mainly because all the feedback you would get back from shots is completely gone, at least on the drones, the spongier clones still react to being shot sometimes. Past that the story is alright, it's definitely nothing ground breaking but it keeps the action going and does have some interesting twists and turns here and there. Finally the last thing I want to say on it is that the horror really really just doesn't feel like it works that often. The only times in which I even felt somewhat more tense from it was in the Finale and that's because there are actual enemies that can hurt you during it in that. All in all though, FEAR is a fun FPS that doesn't last too long to outstay it's welcome but does stay long enough to show how it could.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2023
