Log Status






Time Played

11h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 27, 2024

First played

March 25, 2024

Platforms Played


very fun! going to keep this short and kinda vague since i don't want to give too much away but as a little roguelite deckbuilder this is fairly simple (deceptively so) but what it lacks in complexity it more than makes up for in atmosphere. the sound and visual design is just remarkable here, drawing from playstation 1 low-poly aesthetics but with a lot more detail that actually manages to make it feel caught out of time, a weird middle ground between vintage and contemporary that actually stokes unease in the player. my one real complaint here is the kinda simplistic narrative. i love the presentation of the narrative, a kind of we're all going to the world's fair fake creepypasta/arg that ties it's multitude of different gameplay dimensions to narrative progression, and i thought the characters were all really charming to encounter, but just found it lacking in any real thematic depth beyond it's gimmickry. i think the narrative is worth it as it keeps the player strung through all of the different secrets getting revealed, but honestly feels overly sentimental and somewhat too pretentious for what it's ultimately trying to say, but that does all kinda fit the creepypasta vibe to be fair.