23 reviews liked by Treeskrub

This game is the reason I'm a Marxist today. They could have at least let me keep the shit I bought when I had premium but no, they had to snatch it away. Just me and my puffle in an empty igloo.

guys don't delete flappy bird from your iPhone you can't get it back

I wasted way too much time playing this mid ass game when I could've played so many other games throughout my childhood and for what

yeah it's alright but I don't think this series is gonna go anywhere

found this on the "philosophical" tag on steam right next to dies irae

that fits pretty perfectly in a way i cant really put into words

double dash but with touhou women that ride each other, mechanics are solid and it's touhou so that's automatically epic but some track design is really weird and there is some jank with this being a smaller unity game