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quick thoughts after just beating it:
ive beaten this before beating the main story because in my replay through this game I just wanted to hear as much joker dialogue as I can

so was I ever disappointed to see there is none for this dlc
not even for ra's

anyways to quickly breakdown each thing here

mad hatter one was really disappointing
I mean the ending with the story book was pretty cool
but overall a downgrade from city

mr freeze one was great story wise but gameplay wise it was just more taking down of the militia and the tank fight at the end was pretty lame

killer croc one was amazing in terms of atmosphere
got the terrifying vibes done just right
just wish fighting him was more interesting

and the ra's one was also pretty good
the choice at the end was also pretty interesting

maybe I should give this 4 stars like everyone else but I just kinda wish some actual boss fights were done or something

everything still kinda just felt like more of the same