Man, this was great.
Sure, it's not as complex as... well, most JRPGs really. But that's really the charm of this game, it's simplicity.
It has a small world (you can literally see the final dungeon from your starting location lmao) and that means there are only a small number of things you need to do in order to beat the game. But you can pretty much do all of that in any order you wish (with a few exceptions) and just enjoy the journey at your own pace. There are no jobs, no party members to keep track of, it's just you vs the evil Dragonlord and his army.
It's a super short game but it's worthy enough to be played even today. In fact, I would go ahead and say this is a great game to start your JRPG journey with.
PS. And now to piss off any DQ fan who might be reading this, I enjoyed this more than DQ8.