Pikmin 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, and in my opinion the best expression of the Pikmin experience. Time/inventory management is a gameplay mechanic I cannot get enough of, and this game is incredibly addicting trying to explore areas, defeat enemies, and collect treasures in the daily time limit. The addition of a 2nd captain to play as makes it so you are never waiting around for something to finish and always have some task you can go work on. The cave system can be a bit grindy but lets the game take a more combat focused approach, which is a lot of fun after how Pikmin 1 didn't have too many dangerous bosses. Not just gameplay wise, Pikmin 2 oozes charm in its writing. Olimar writes notes about every enemy you fight and treasure you collect, and it's very amusing seeing how alien creatures would react to and try to extrapolate meaning from everyday items completely normal to us. Not to mention the endgame reward of Louie teaching you how to cook the enemies.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024

1 Comment

Very very based