Mar 2024 Comment: This game is near peak to me, but around this year I've noticed that its not as perfect as I originally thought. The story while is my favorite, but unfortunately lacks in giving more substance to the side characters, while this is redeemed a bit for future connected, Fiora is a bit basic and Sharla had a lot of potential to delve more into her arc of how she lost her whole colony and her fiancé, but the game instead opts to focus on Shulk. Shulk is my favorite protagonist of all time, that isnt a bad thing, but this takes away from the game being perfect as it fully dosent flesh out everything. The game has bad frame drops at times but not as bad as 2's. The combat is objectively dated, but yet this makes me love it even more. Outside of some stat changes, they kept the moves the same as it did in the original , really makes me feel like im playing a remastered wii game and thats perfect, I like how different the combat feels compared to 2 and while I think the new games are better, I like its unique taste. The remixes for Definitive Edition are bless and overall the game is much better in many ways. They censored Dunban's blood spitting scene and Shulk having very bright anime hair thats full on yellow now is a small nitpick negative, but everything else is literally perfect to me. Overall my thoughts about XC1 are still the same. I love its world, its setting, not only is it fun to explore, but also play on and its good for story reasons too. I will always be biased toward this game as its undoubtedly my favorite, I think objectively its like a 4 or 4.5, but its a 5 in my eyes, and thats all that matters to me. I love its story, music, combat, exploration, I could gush for hours but why would I? I wont forget it so no need writing it all down.

Mar 2024 Comment: Future Connected debatably does more harm than good existing, but part of me is still happy it does. While its a mess in many ways, theres a lot I enjoyed about. I like the new character designs and they were able to bring back the old og va's, I also think the 2 kids accompanying Shulk and Melia is fun! Still its a sequel or ig epilogue to XC1 and it was not planned out fully so the va's sound older than they should as its ten years after the original release, it sounds goofy when mixed in with their old 2010 attack yells. For the positives, im glad Bionis Shoulder is brought back in playable form and included in the story. The new music is peak like always and im happy I can revisit the world, see old characters and some more modernized through voice acted heart to hearts or old npcs getting a voice actor. Still XC1's ending was peak and it kinda got ruined cause of Future Connected, and its not that there cant be a sequel, XC3 exists, but it definitely seems like an add-on for more people to buy the game. The combat is a lot worse and while I enjoy the new prospectors thing, Chain Attacks, Visions, and Party Trees are removed making it very limited in freedom. Dosent help that the new Nopons play exactly like Reyn and Sharla so they arent even new. Still I think the overall story helps out Shulk's arc to be an inventor, Melia's royalty arc, and Riki's dad arc. Still this is all obvious stuff the characters would perfect on, especially looking at XC3 so theres still no justification for FC existing. The worst part is the ending, it is so rushed for no reason, they immediately beat the boss and it feels like the credits roll? Theres no celebration or down time! Its so rushed. I do enjoy this game as it gave me more Luxin Xenoblade Theory Videos though and its still fun to run around in, but definitely the worst Xenoblade arc.

Mar 2024 Comment: This game has many problems with it, but it is still one I hold very close to my heart. This was one of the first REAL games I beat. I beat it back in 2018 and im gonna guess it took me about 5 months, which honestly isn't that bad but back then I thought it was about a year's time.

Mar 2024 Comment: Many times have I dropped and picked back up the game to try and finish the main story, and I still dont fully understand what happens. Book 1 existed, Book 2 was fine, Book 3 was enjoyable, Book 4 onwards is a blur. Still its definitely my most played mobile game that I still get on today and I have a large collection of PNGS. I dont necessarily buy much in-game unless its guaranteed as I have bad rng lol, but either way its enjoyable and I have a lot of fun seeing my favorite characters in many different outfits and forms. Many which wouldn't make much sense, but its cool seeing them dress up and seeing them again with voice acting is also good. Overall I dont have much to say, its still a gatcha and still a mobile game, but it fills up my time, and it's enjoyable enough. Still due to those reasons though, I cant put it much higher as its not typically why I enjoy Fire Emblem. Character interactions and combat is why.

(No proper beat date as they always expand on the main story, I havent been up to book in like 2-3 years though)