I feel like this was the start of open world games increasing in size for little gameplay benefit. This world is 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 big enough to be tiring to get across, made worse by frequently stumbling across riddler trophies that require equipment you haven’t unlocked yet.

Last thing I remember was going through Penguin’s section with the shark and thinking “why am I so bored by this?”

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2024


3 months ago

yup. I still think its good, but this is just the downfall of a lot of series. Asylum is so well paced and a perfect size and then this is barely too big, and after that its just like, come on now.

3 months ago

@Snigglegros Yeah it’s been a while since I played Asylum but it was so focused and knew when to play its cards. There’s a flow to maneuvering the levels that City’s city couldn’t match.