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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 4, 2022

Platforms Played


This game is comprised a lot of stuff that really sucks. The premise is worse than the first games, it fails at having a depressing tone like the original, and the humor and gameplay are both much, much worse. Not to mention that the pacing drones and wastes your time extremely often-- this game is 20 hours longer than the first for no good reason. Ultimately, though, I gave it a 5. The redeeming factors are the characters, who overall better than DR1's stereotypes (although some are incredibly worse, still being stereotypical and unlikable) and a select few cases (2-2 and 2-6) where the game really felt like a standout sequel and not: "We remade Danganronpa 1-- but this time it sucks!"

Though the game ends on a extremely high note, it falters far too much for me to call it anything that isn't mixed.