Fun game I had as a kid. Though why is the release date TBD? It came out in 1998.

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Horizon: Zero Dawn was easily one of, if not the best games I've ever played. Even a few years later, that as a sentiment is true. Aloy's character, her struggles, and the mystery behind the fall of humanity kept me going until the end. I couldn't stop; I didn't want to. The world felt so fresh and the gameplay so fun that every minute I spent was a delight.

So naturally when the sequel rolled around, I was excited to play it. A lot of the things I loved about the game was still there! But there were changes. Design issues I disagreed with. However, these were all minor things. I still felt like it was a part of the world I loved.

However, over time things wore off. I won't spoil the ending or anything specific, but the story of this game is lacking compared to the original. The main thing, though, was the ending. I feel like this game had all the tools it needed to make a satisfying ending, but it just doesn't get there. It's obvious they want to make a third game and the story reflects that, but nothing in it drew me in like the first game did. I HAD to know what the mystery of the world was. Here? Well, I don't know if I'm going to step back into Aloy's boots for a third time.

Decent gameplay bloated with predictable plot twists, a story that takes hours to get going, unlikeable main characters, and an overly depressing tone. Yoko Taro really needs to learn how to write something other than drama.