Neon White 2022

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The story is so bad that I quit after chapter 1. I am not giving this game any more of my time. The story, characters, and voice acting is awful. And there's also INCREDIBLY SUS stuff later that I thankfully was warned of before I saw. Including: Underage panty shots, normalizing abusive behavior, homophobia. And that’s just the stuff I know about. The gameplay was so fun that I almost overlooked the story and how annoying it was. But… I just can’t do it. To stand 10 hours of that story and those characters and that sus ♥♥♥♥… On top of the setting just rubbing me the wrong way. It just isn’t worth my time or money. Neon White is great for you. If you love bad writing and underage girls.

I need to go see a priest… (0/10) (DNF)