March, 2023

Tee hee funny fish game
Played this for like 10 hours today. I probably would've finished it today if I didn't do a ton of those missions
I'll spend a whole day going "I just don't feel like playing anything" and then I'll boot this up and spend over an hour doing missions
Not many feelings outclass getting on a Skill Leaf streak
oops spent all day organizing my GBA Ro-er I mean GBA games collection instead of playing video games!
Rank 99, baby! One more and they all go in the meat grinder!
Chapter 3. Materia Fusing is gonna be addictive, isn't it?
We are rapidly approaching the point where this is the only game I'm playing.


This game will never not rule if you're reading this play this game!


Wave 4 of the DLC is cool. Had fun with it. Birdo sure is there.
Rank 98! Let's get to 600G JP!
This is a better game than Horizon Call of the Mountain.


Wow that final boss sucks!


When the economy of the West collapses and all Americans are in poverty, be assured that I will still be here playing Magikarp Jump

Tried this out on an emulation box. This version is honestly pretty neat. Good music and cool updated graphics and sounds. Wish there was a way to view the map, though.
If there is ever a day when I do not update the Magikarp log I have either forgotten, was killed, or actually 100%'d the game
I am very close to the end and I may have fought the coolest boss in the game
Haha oops spent all day watching analogue horror videos instead of playing games at least I had time to hit the grind