How Much Tap Water Does Your Favorite Danganronpa Student Drink?


If you've played the Danganronpa series of games, you know these kids are off the goop. However, some are more off the goop than others. This could be due to any number of things. One of those things could be how much unfiltered tap water they've consumed. This of course begs the question: How much tap water have these kids consumed? I'm here to answer that question I know you definitely asked. I hope that this list gives you the closure you never knew you needed regarding how much tap water has flown through the systems of these deranged teenagers.

Also, this list will only focus on the main trilogy, so no characters exclusively from Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls will appear on this list.

Akane Owari: She was never properly educated on the negative effects of tap water so she'll happily drink it. If anyone tries to tell her not to, she'll scoff and talk about it hasn't done anything bad to her yet before drinking even more tap water.
Mahiru Koizumi: Avoids tap water at all costs. If she sees a guy drinking tap water, she'll chew their ear off about the negative effects of drinking unfiltered tap water. If she catches a girl drinking it, though, she will calmly implore them to not do that.
Sonia Nevermind: Publicly, she will not consume it. Status for someone like her is important, after all. When the doors are closed and eyes are no longer on her, though, she's running straight to the faucet to slurp on that sweet sweet tap water.
Peko Pekoyama: As Fuyuhiko's right hand, she makes sure to keep her focus sharp. As a result, she does not drink tap water. She also believes that Fuyuhiko will like her more for not drinking it.
Nekomaru Nidai: He has enough restroom woes as it is. Dodges tap water in hopes that by not consuming it he saves himself a trip to the porcelain throne, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter whether or not he drinks it in that regard. At least he doesn't drink it, I guess...
Teruteru Hanamura: He'll pretend to drink it but spit it out when your back is turned. He'll gladly offer women tap water if he thinks its effects will make them more agreeable.
Nagito Komaeda: Aspires to consume as much tap water as Junko. Goes out of his way to make sure all of his drinks are tap water. If you brought him to a restaurant, he would ask for water, take the cup to the bathroom, empty it into a toilet and then fill it as much as he can with tap water from the sink.
Mikan Tsumiki: She drinks what other people tell her to drink. As a result, she has consumed much tap water over the years, including all of the tap water Hiyoko made her drink.
Kazuichi Soda: They'll drink it on occasion, but mostly stick to regular filtered water. However, if at any point Sonia implied that she liked men who drank tap water, it would become his diet for the rest of his life without hesitation.
Hajime Hinata: Generally he'll steer clear of it. He knows it's not good for him unfiltered and gets kind of weirded out when he sees others down it like it's nothing.
Izuru Kamukura: He's so bored with humanity that he will seek out unfiltered tap water in an attempt to make life seem interesting, even if only for a few short moments.
Ibuki Mioda: Every song idea she ever had came about after downing numerous glasses of unfiltered tap water. Tap water made her who she is today. Her songs would lack the power they possess if she never let that unfiltered slop touch her lips.
Hiyoko Saionji: Does not drink tap water. She'll loudly make fun of any person she sees who she believes is drinking it. She'll also pour glasses of it down Mikan's throat because she knows she won't say no.
Gundham Tanaka: He'll happily drink tap water with the animals he cares for. He also believes that tap water is a great method of recharging his evil powers.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: He only drinks the cleanest water and despises tap. If you try to give him tap water he'll have you killed, but not before spitting it in your face and yelling at you about it.
Chiaki Nanami: Directing her focus on video games allows her to ignore the needs of her body with relative ease, allowing her to avoid ever drinking tap water due to the simple fact that any time spent drinking it would be time not spent gaming.
The Ultimate Imposter: They will drink tap water in accordance with the personality of whomever they are impersonating, so how much they consume varies wildly. In most cases, though, they will be drinking lots of it.
Korekiyo Shinguji: In order to be incestuous at the level he's at you need to be constantly drinking lots of tap water. Dude downs it like it's the first drink he's had in years every day of his life.
Kaede Akamatsu: Despite her quirks, she's not that big on tap water. She'll keep a deer park water bottle in her backpack at all times and gets uncomfortable when you offer her tap.
Gonta Gokuhara: Does not consume tap water. He gets his water straight from whatever streams or lakes he's near while he's studying bugs. He gives small kisses to whatever water beetles he sees floating by as he drinks.
Kirumi Tojo: Look. You don't become a powerful political figure without drinking a large amount of tap water. Kirumi is no exception to this. Girl keeps a jug of that stuff under her desk at all times.
Miu Iruma: Tap water enthusiast. If she can't have tap water, she's not drinking. Drinking tap water gives her that edge she feels that she needs to be able to assert herself and shine above everyone else, even if in reality she's kind of pathetic.
Rantaro Amami: Typically will avoid tap water. Doing so served him well in the last game, and he intends on keeping up this streak, even if it kills him.
Ryoma Hoshi: Doesn't drink it because he thinks it'll throw off his game. He has much bigger things to worry about, so avoiding tap water means avoiding one less problem to meditate on.
Shuichi Saihara: Acts like he doesn't touch the stuff, but he definitely has in the past, even if he can't remember it. If he had it again after the memory wipe he'd drink it exclusively.
Tenko Chabashira: Drinks tap water happily. She's always eager to bring Himiko a glass of tap water when she requests it. Tries to avoid drinking it if she sees men drinking it near her, though.
Tsumugi Shirogane: Considering her responsibilities and her talents, she basically needs to drink tap water to keep her job. Without the influence the dubious drink has on her, she would be unable to get things rolling the way she needs to. Drinking tap water for her is less a choice and more a requirement.
Angie Yonaga: She'll often be caught pouring herself a drink from the sink in the kitchen. She believes that by consuming tap water, she's able to maintain a stronger connection with Atua. Whether this is true or not has yet to be proven.
Himiko Yumeno: As the Ultimate Mage, she needs to keep her mana up at all times. She turns to tap water because of this, always keeping a bottle full of it on her person at all times in case she feels her magic becoming weaker.
K1-B0: Being a robot, he does not drink any water at all. As tap water serves no purpose for him, he largely ignores its existence.
Kaito Momota: It can be completely inferred that one of the main causes of his disease came from the copious amounts of tap water he has consumed over the years. There is no universe where he is not consuming an amount of tap water regularly.
Kokichi Oma: Does not drink tap water. Instead, he finds the negative effects of drinking tap water hilarious and goes out of his way to try to sneak it into the drinks of as many people as he can.
Maki Harukawa: Avoids tap water at all costs. She's able to identify tap water with a single glance, making it so she can never be tricked into drinking it. If she believes you gave her tap water with malicious intent, you may not live to see tomorrow.
Celestia Ludenberg: She'll scoff at people for consuming it and try to avoid consuming it. At least, this is the case publicly. If she's getting herself a drink she'll gladly drink tap if she can't find normal water to drink. This is a more common occurrence for her than one may assume.
Toko Fukawa: Under normal circumstances, she will avoid tap water, finding it to be disgusting. However, when she becomes Genocide Jack, all bets are off the table as they will consume as much tap water as they can between kills.
Sayaka Maizono: "Huh? Oh, yeah, I always filter tap water before I drink it. Doesn't everyone?" She'll say this but the second your back is turned she's making out with the faucet slurpin' on that tap.
Sakura Ogami: She always makes sure to filter any tap water she consumes. Unfiltered tap water would have too many negative effects on her combat ability.
Mukuro Ikusaba: As a soldier, she needs to be able to maintain a high level of focus. Tap water would diminish this for her, so she simply does not consume it under any circumstance.
Kyoko Kirigiri: She avoids tap water like the plague and remains completely silent when others drink it. If she thinks you're worth keeping alive, though, she will try to steer you away from it.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: He doesn't drink tap water. He's done his research on it and has come to the conclusion that it is simply not worth it to drink even a drop of it. He will be the first to vocally judge you for drinking it.
Junko Enoshima: She was baptized in tap water. Tap water is circulating through her blood at all times. She is the embodiment of the negative effects of drinking copious amounts of tap water. On all levels except physical, she is tap water.
Chihiro Fujisaki: They really don't like tap water and will avoid it at all costs. However, if you give them a glass of it they will drink it to not upset you. Expect them to cry while they drink it, though. Are you really going to make Chihiro cry? You monster.
Aoi Asahina: She'll casually drink whatever water seeps through her lips during her swims and reflects on it as a tasty reward for a good swim. As consequence, tap water tastes really good to her, so she drinks a lot of it.
Byakuya Togami: Despises tap water and avoids it like the plague. If he detects that you've given him tap, he'll splash it in your face and verbally berate you for giving it to him before demanding you to get him a normal glass of water.
Hifumi Yamada: Surprisingly, not a big tap water consumer. He does, however, have a crippling addiction to diet coke, which I'm sure contributes to his unhinged nature in some way. Also, he'll totally down tap water like a camel if a girl he finds attractive tells him to drink it, so it's not completely out of the question for him.
Yasuhiro Hagakure: As the ultimate clairvoyant, he will not let anything hamper his visions. This, of course, includes tap water. Believing it will mess with his "flow", he avoids it as much as possible. Of course, this does not stop the occasional circumstance where he consumes it without realizing it.
Mondo Owada: In order to keep up his appearances with his gang, he drinks tap water. Personally he'd rather avoid it, but the effects of drinking it give him enough of a crazy edge to keep his grunts in line. It's something he does purely out of necessity.
Leon Kuwata: He drank tap water once by accident before winning one of his games by a landslide. Since then, tap water has become the only drink he'll go for, believing that it contributes to his talents.
Makoto Naegi: He'll try to avoid it if he can, but he can't tell if what he's drinking is tap so if someone gives him a glass of it he just drinks it without questioning it. He definitely does not consume a lot of tap, but some will sneak through here and there.


1 month ago

read this list while enjoying a tasty bottle of unfiltered texas tap water
Now this is insane

1 month ago

Finally, the list of all time.

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