This game has a lot of care and love behind it. Sadly, it's a love that is far beyond my reach. The game is abstract and ambiguous. A lot of negative reviews call it pretentious, but seeing how it gets lots of praise and many people consider it to be among their favorite games, I don't think that is the case.

I will blame myself, and assume that I wasn't able to connect with the story and it's characters; to grasp the meaning behind all those lines of dialogue. As invested as the first chapter got me with it's cool visual style and it's intriguing story, I quickly began to lose interest and failed to remain attentive, as I couldn't understand what was going on.

Good on paper, horrible in practice. A game that could be fun completely ruined by it's community. Do yourself a favor and avoid this game. Riot has other games coming out based on the same universe that look 100% better. Check those out if you are interested on the world. Avoid this one.

As every RGG game, it's really fucking good. This one might even be one of their bests, just like the original Judgment. If you like Yakuza games, you will love this.

Now, as much as love this game, there's some criticism to be made (in fact it can be applied to every RGG game, not just Lost Judgment). RGG is keen on introducing new mechanics every game that they end up not developing enough, and thus, end up feeling more like a tedious chore than a fun addition. In Lost Judgment, we can see this with the Stealth and Climbing sections. They don't add anything. They are not fun. Just like trailing sections from the first game, they are just something you have to do to get to the fun parts (at least there are not many of them).

Another criticism I would made about RGG games is that they could benefit from slightly longer developing times. Even if the final product ends up being amazing, some aspects of their games really lack behind. Lost Judgment is not an exception. Animations outside combat and cinematics are sometimes wonky. Sound desing is a major flaw for me in this games, with basic sounds like footsteps, gun shots, car engines, etc. sometimes sounding really out of place and taking you out of the experience.

Again, these two thing have more to do with the franchise as a hole, and not just Lost Judgment, but still.

At the end of the day, Lost Judgment is another RGG game: a unique experience with a fantastic crafted story, endearing characters, amazing combat and action, and a really good experience overall.