the best game in the franchise. Yakuza 6 had a very interesting solid mystery, being its greatest point. Thank you for the journey, it's not an amazing series, but very worth a try. Let's continue into the new era.
The flaws remain, characters still die for nothing or are discarded and forgotten, but the mystery always remains interesting and it's emotional when it needs to be. The epilogue of this game was really AWESOME even though the final chapter was cringe af (they almost made a good game become mid, as expected of yakuza we can't underestimate what this series can do) the epilogue was really nice

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2023


8 months ago

What did you think about the last cutscene?

8 months ago

I loved the final kiryu scene and the entirely cutscene after the credit roll, I liked his decision; made up for having a somewhat disappointing finale (that final villain 💀💀💀 would've been much better if it was finished after the secret of onomichi)

8 months ago

I agree, it could've been a lot better , personally the final cutscene made me tear up but if you play yakuza 7 and probably the name who erased his name that ending is kind of meaningless. If you liked this, PLEASE play judgement, real peak yakuza game

8 months ago

you're actually the third person that already recommended judgment this week, maybe I'll really need to check it, I wasn't interested at first

8 months ago

Lol i can see why people recommend it to you, It's a great mystery story, and it's better than most of the yakuza games. I don't think you'll regret it, give it a shot of you got the extra tier on ps plus, it's free @utawarerumono