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Recently replayed this absolute gem for the 200th time and once again, it proves to me why it's the best game ever made.

Where to even start? Fallout New Vegas takes everything that Fallout 3 does and makes it even better. The introduction of the reputation system for the many different factions of this game is a huge addition and raises the stakes. No more committing mass genocide against Brotherhood patrols and still being best pals with them. Your actions have consequences, you more you help one faction, the more you become an enemy of the other.

Building on this, the factions are so much better than those we saw on Fallout 3. There is no stand out ‘Bad Guy’ and ‘Good Guy’. Every faction has their perks and their problems and it’s left completely up to the player to decide who they think deserves to be in power. The game ending even tells the character how this choice has affected the Mojave Wasteland and this is different for all these different factions. A big gripe of mine for Fallout 3 was the inability to side with the Enclave and New Vegas doesn’t even let this be a possible issue, with all the factions here able to be sided with.

The dialogue saw a huge upscale with many different skill checks in conservations requiring different skill categories, the speech skill isn't the only useful thing now. The writing is also clearly on another level which is all credit to Obsidian and John Gonzalez. One thing New Vegas really holds over 3 is the number of interesting characters you run into while roaming the Mojave. From a cold and broody ex-NCR sniper who wants to avenge the murder of his wife to a sex robot that asks you to assume the position, there are so many characters to learn about and just enjoy. There are hardly any quests in New Vegas that will have you groaning as you slug through it.

And on top of all this, you still get that Fallout magic that you can expect from these games. The Mojave Wasteland, the soundtrack, the characters, and of course the humour. Even all of the DLC delivers on this.

While technically it is well past it's time, I don't think that should put you off from experiencing this game. If you haven't played New Vegas yet, go to your local CEX now and pick it up for a couple quid, you won't regret it