I used to think this game was overrated for the longest time, that being said this game was also on my backlog for the longest time and I had only gotten a few hours in before putting it down for like a year. I picked it back up on a whim this year and became hooked. The gameplay isn't the best in any game ever but it serves the story well and makes every battle feel hard-fought and earned. The main draw here is the story and it is genuinely my pick for the best story ever in a video game. I think the reason I put the game down all those years ago was that nothing really interesting in the story really happened in the first few hours that hooked me, but in this playthrough I got further than I had before and some crazy shit started happening and I just wanted to keep seeing what happened next. This game sucked me in and didn't let go until the very end and that's something that makes a game a true masterpiece to me.

Reviewed on Nov 26, 2023
