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April 4, 2019

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Quite honestly the most well written porn game I've ever played. The characters are charming, the world is incredibly fleshed out, and the humor is genuinely pretty funny. This game has become somewhat of a favorite of mine over the years and it kind of drives me crazy that more people don't know about it! I suppose it's understandable as the game isn't even finished yet, but right now there's at least 80 hours of JRPG content here and it's all good.

First of all, the characters are great! I love how smart everyone acts and how they think through their actions rationally. The protagonist in particular acts with more thought and compassion than most heroes in media in general. He's a bit of a Mary Sue, especially in the later chapters, but he's so likeable overall that I can forgive it. The main party is generally pretty fleshed out, although the party members that have "variants" tend to suffer a bit from a lack of depth. I also did not expect to like the existentialist philosopher orc character so much but goddamn is his dialogue actually fun and thought-provoking.

The game provides a lot of things I didn't expect, really. The focus on religion and its nuanced conflicts with sexual expression, the part where you have to dishonestly play geopolitical diplomacy during an intricate international summit sequence, the financial headache of trying to figure out which business investment will provide the most returns at the end of the next chapter. The game covers a lot of topics, notably a lot of genuinely adult topics, and it portrays them in a mature, rational lens. I draw attention to this because this is one of the first porn games I've played that seems geared towards actual adults rather than the typical audience of horny teenage boys who tend to uh, not have the best opinions about women and who often find those opinions reinforced through the "horny culture" that a lot of other porn games promote.

In fact, the game in general acts as a sort of deconstruction of the typical eroge. It actively explores the normalization of rape in the genre, and fully examines what a world that is obsessed with sex would actually look like and how it would actually function. Even the gameplay is kind of a rejection of JRPG grinding mechanics in that there are no random battles and a finite amount of money, making mob battles desirable instead of annoying and giving equipment purchasing decisions some real weight.

The only thing holding this game back is the fact that it's made on a pretty old RPG maker engine. As a result, the overall presentation isn't really anything remarkable at all. The character portraits are pleasantly well-done but the spritework is pretty generic and the illustrations for the sex scenes are honestly amateurish (sorry to the artists). I first played the game before there were even illustrations and it was just straight up text erotica, and I think I actually prefer it that way, but that's just me.

But yeah, big glowing recommendation from me for anyone wanting a proper RPG experience with their erotica. Can't wait until the game's finished so I can properly experience this wonderfully-written story as intended.