The first game I played at a young age and became obsessed with. Unfortunately, I'm biased. I saw rainbow-haired anime characters when I saw this as a thirteen year old after seeing Marth and Roy in Smash Bros. Melee, and I instantly wanted to know what it was all about.

This game is golden to me. But it's also a classic Fire Emblem game: its hard. Even on it's normal difficulty, it can be a grueling experience on certain chapters. This game is for people who enjoy some challenge.

It's always fun putting together your own army and choosing the units you like the most to push against the enemy army. Hector is the best lord. You can unlock his story mode after beating Eliwood's.

The writing isn't exactly Shakespeare, but I always enjoyed the tone of it. It's moody sometimes, but the characters have a sense of humor, too. I was really drawn into the story it was telling, and although it starts out small the stakes get high!

Part of the fun is watching the animations of the sprites in battle. It's seriously amazing and impressive! Watching a unit land a crit will ALWAYS be so satisfying. Crits do 3x damage.

Yes, there's no way to get your units back after they die; there's no "phoenix" mode here. Resetting a chapter when you lose a unit you like is part of the process, trust me. You want to keep all your units. Failure is a key part of this game! :) It's all trial and error, and it feels really good when you come back to a map and beat it into the ground.

I've finished this game over thirty times. I like it too much. It makes me happy that Fire Emblem managed to not get canned thanks to Awakening. I'm not a big fan of the newer titles, but the series will always be near and dear to my heart anyway. You always remember your first Fire Emblem game, and this one is mine.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
